Israel Updates Policy Concerning Ukrainian Citizens in Israel

Israel’s Ministry of the Interior has updated the policy concerning the stay of Ukrainian citizens in Israel, and has announced that no enforcement measures will be taken against the employment of Ukrainian citizens, provided that at least 90 days have elapsed since their entry into Israel and that they hold a Ukrainian passport.

Key Information
  • It is the responsibility of the employer to verify that the employee holds a Ukrainian passport and that at least 90 days have passed since his/her entry into Israel.
  • Israel will extend B/2 permits (tourist) to Ukrainian citizens who legally stayed in Israel on the day the war started or entered after it started, until December 31, 2024 or until the end of the war in Ukraine and the possibility of returning to it, whichever comes first.

This policy is valid until 31.12.24 or until the end of the war in Ukraine and the possibility of returning to it, whichever comes first. At the end of this period, the policy will be reviewed based on updated data.

Erickson Insights and Analysis

Erickson Immigration Group will continue to monitor developments and share updates as more news is available. Please contact your employer or EIG attorney if you have questions about anything we’re reporting above or case-specific questions.