Ireland | Changes to Work Permits in 2020

For applications that require a labor market test, the position must now be advertised for 28 days before the application can be submitted. (The previous rule required only 14 days.) The advertising requirement reflects the government’s policy that an employment opportunity should be offered to non-EEA (European Economic Area) nationals only where no suitable candidate can be found within the EEA to fill the position. The advertising requirement does not apply to employers who have received a Trusted Partner status.

As previously reported, other changes effective January 1, 2020, include:

  • The minimum salary for a Critical Skills Employment Permit (CSEP) increased from €30,000 to €32,000, where the position is on the Critical Skills Occupations List. The candidate must also have a relevant degree.

  • Where the position is not on the Critical Skills Occupations List, the minimum salary for a (CSEP) increased from €60,000 to €64,000. Positions on the Ineligible Categories of Employment list are still excluded from employment permits.