Australia Increases Visa and Citizenship Fees, July 1

Effective from July 1, 2021, some Australia visa application charges will increase modestly. The new fees (in $AUD) are as follows:

Work Visas
  • Subclass 482, Temporary Skill Shortage visa application (2 years): $1,290
  • Subclass 482, Temporary Skill Shortage visa application (4 years): $2,690
  • Subclass 400 Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa application: $315
  • Australian citizenship by conferral: $490, up from $285
    • Australian citizenship by conferral for applicants younger than 18 or older than 60 years old: $300, up from $180
  • Australian citizenship by descent – single applicant/first sibling when two or more siblings apply:  $315, up from $230
    • Second and each subsequent sibling when appl​ying at the same time: $130, up from $95
  • Australian citizenship at age 10: $240, up from $190


Erickson Immigration Group will continue to send updates as more news is available. If you have questions about anything we’re reporting above or case-specific questions, please contact your employer or EIG attorney.