According to recent amendments to the immigration law, a foreign national who has received a work permit (“nulla osta”) and entered Italy with a visa is now permitted to start work before they have signed the contract of stay (“contrato di soggiorno”) at the immigration office.
The so-called “decreto Cutro” of March 23, 2023, added to Article 22 of the immigration law stating that work is allowed pending the signing of the Contract of Stay.
Previously, work permit holders could only start working in Italy once they had signed the Contract of Stay.
The new rule applies not only to work permits issued under the quota (“Flussi”) decree, but also to subordinate and seasonal work, Blue Card holders, intra-corporate transferees and other non-quota workers.
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Erickson Immigration Group will continue to share updates as more news is available. If you have questions about anything we’re reporting above or case-specific questions, please contact your employer or EIG attorney.