Thailand Updates on the Prescription of Necessary or Urgent Works or Ad-Hoc Works

Thailand’s Department of Employment has issued a significant update concerning the Prescription of Necessary or Urgent Works or Ad-hoc Works. The previous directive dated October 14, 2020, has been revoked. A new list outlining the activities that qualify for an Urgent Work Permit (UWP) or Ad-hoc work designation is now in effect.

  • The updated list retains all previously recognized activities, with the addition of the following new activity:
    • Item (13) Work supported by government agencies as follows: (a) Mega event organization or organize an international festival, (b) an international music festival or concert
  • The list of new urgent works is as follows:
    1. Recruitment of job seekers for overseas job placement
    2. Organizing or setting up conferences, trainings, seminars, exhibitions, or trade fairs
    3. Machinery maintenance and installation
    4. Electric train technician
    5. Aircraft or aircraft equipment system technician
    6. Inspection or improvement of production processes
    7. Quality control of products/goods or products/goods quality inspection
    8. Follow-up and resolve technical issues
    9. Occasional internal audit
    10. Machinery and electric generator equipment system inspection or maintenance
    11. Movie filming and slide photographing
    12. Consulting work on machinery maintenance or machinery control systems
    13. Work supported by government agencies as follows:
      1. Mega event organization or international festival
      2. International music festival or concert
    14. Technical skill testing for overseas job placement
    15. Conducting special academic lectures
    16. Machinery demonstration and testing
    17. Aviation superintendent
Erickson Insights & Analysis

In this update, the list has been expanded. Regarding the UWP or Adhoc work notification, it must typically be filed by the employer, which includes providing all relevant documents from the sponsoring employer. However, travelers can file it themselves upon arrival at the airport if they have all the necessary documents and a Power of Attorney from the employer.

Erickson Immigration Group will continue to monitor developments and share updates as more news is available. Please contact your employer or EIG attorney if you have questions about anything we’re reporting above or case-specific questions.