The Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has released the comprehensive SOL Employer Guide which outlines the specific conditions that candidates need to fulfill to qualify under the desired Shortage Occupation List. This guide helps employers understand the additional requirements for EP candidates who require the SOL Bonus points to pass COMPASS.
- Candidates filling the roles on the Shortage Occupation List (SOL) can qualify for points under the C5. Skills bonus.
- By meeting the criteria not only enhances their standing in the COMPASS assessment but also opens the gateway to securing the desired extended five-year Employment Pass for select technology professionals.
Understanding the SOL Employer Guide
- EP candidates will earn up to 20 bonus points on COMPASS if they fill an occupation found in the SOL.
- However, only 10 points will be awarded if the EP candidate’s nationality forms one-third (or higher) of the firm’s PMETs (Diversity Criterion (C3). To earn this point, MOM imposes additional safeguards which will include conducting additional checks on the applicants, such as checking on their past work experience and whether the applicant has the qualifications or industry accreditation that are relevant to the declared occupation.
- If it is approved, they will have their employment restricted to the specific shortage occupation. However, if the employer wishes to change an EP holder to a different position in Singapore (that may fall outside the SOL or job scope declared), the EP holder will be subject to a reassessment of their eligibility for an EP.
Erickson Insights and Analysis
This implementation emphasizes Singapore’s commitment to fostering a qualified and skilled workforce while simultaneously ensuring that the shortage of occupations is stimulated by individuals who are not only competent but also passionately dedicated to their roles.
Erickson Immigration Group will continue to monitor developments and share updates as more news is available. Please contact your employer or EIG attorney if you have questions about anything we’re reporting above or case-specific questions.