Australia Employer Obligations, Training Benchmark Update. Employers sponsoring foreign national workers in Australia must contribute to the professional training of local Australian workers. In March 2018, the existing training benchmarks that ensure the fulfillment of employer obligations will be replaced by the Skilling Australians Fund (“the Fund”). The Fund will be subsidized by employer training levy payments and will be determined by company turnover. This new process is expected to create a streamlined process for employers to be compliant with training requirements but will result in increased immigration expenses.
Canada Implements Change of Dependent Definition. In an effort to encourage immigrant family unity, the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has changed the definition of dependent children from “under 19” years of age to “under 22” years of age. The change in definition will apply to all applications received by IRCC on or after October 24, 2017. IRCC may also make exceptions for sponsors whose applications were submitted on or after May 3, 2017 and who had children aged 19, 20, or 21 at the time of the application.
Singapore Employment and S Pass Holders Must Notify MOM of Changes. Currently, all Employment Pass and S Pass holders must update the Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and employers of any changes to residential addresses and contact information within 14 days of the change. Changes in personal particulars such as passport number, name or marital status must also be reported. As of Friday, November 17, 2017, Pass holders will be required to update employers and MOM of any changes to address or mobile number within 5 days of the change.