EU Removes Six Countries from the “Safe” List

On September 9, the EU Council updated the list of countries for which travel restrictions should be lifted. In particular, Uruguay was added to the “safe list” and Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brunei Darussalam, Japan, and Serbia were removed from the list.

The guidance is nonbinding and EU members have the authority to decide their border policies. Tourists from countries not on the safe list should be prepared that restrictions may vary throughout the EU.

The current list of safe countries includes Australia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Canada, Jordan, New Zealand, Qatar, Republic of Moldova, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Ukraine, Uruguay (new), and China, subject to confirmation of reciprocity.



Erickson Insights

The EU regularly reviews the list of safe countries and updates as needed. Travelers to the EU should check the destination country’s travel requirements before traveling as restrictions may vary within the EU. Erickson Immigration Group will continue to share updates as more news is available. If you have questions about anything we’re reporting above or case-specific questions, please contact your employer or EIG attorney.