Armenia Updates Citizenship and Residency Laws

Over the past year, Armenia’s government has updated the citizenship and residency laws. Some of these changes have already come into effect, while others will be enacted soon.

  • Mandatory Military Service: Recent legislative amendments now require male citizens aged 27 to 37, who acquire Armenian citizenship and have not completed prior military service or whose service was less than 12 months in another country, to either contribute AMD 2,500,000 (approximately USD 6,200) to the state budget or complete a 12-month mandatory military service.
  • Citizenship Eligibility: The criteria for obtaining Armenian citizenship have been broadened. Parents and adult children of Armenian citizens can now apply for citizenship based on their family ties, providing a distinct legal avenue for their applications.
  • Residence Permits for Volunteers: Volunteers are now eligible to apply for residence permits, which can be obtained online through the government portal.
  • Residence Permit Application Procedure: Applicants for residence permits and citizenship must now schedule their appointments online in advance under their own names. The current waiting period for residency applications is up to three months, while citizenship applications may take around four months.
  • Increased Government Fee for Citizenship: Proposed changes will raise the government fee for citizenship applications from AMD 1,000 (approximately USD 2.5) to AMD 20,000 (approximately USD 50). A new online procedure for document verification will also be introduced, requiring applicants to confirm their documents before scheduling a citizenship application.
  • Turnover Tax Adjustment: From January 1, 2025, the turnover tax rate will increase from 5% to 10%. Businesses under this tax regime can also deduct up to 9% of their expenses from taxable income, effectively setting the actual tax rate between 1% and 10%.
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Erickson Immigration Group will continue to monitor developments and share updates as more news is available. Please contact your employer or EIG attorney if you have questions about anything we’re reporting above or case-specific questions.