UKVI Updates Skilled Worker Sponsor Guidance

The UKVI, on December 31, 2024, made changes to the Skilled Worker sponsor guidance.

The changes primarily focus on new sponsor licence applications, but there are provisions for existing sponsors, including:

  • Sponsors can no longer claw back from sponsored workers any sponsor licence fees or Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) fees for CoS assigned on or after December 31, 2024.
  • For those assigned a CoS on or after December 31, 2024, any clawback agreements with the worker should also not include the CoS fee (which is usually £239).
  • Sponsors cannot sponsor workers to work for someone in a personal capacity, for example, when a company might sponsor the nanny of a worker.
Erickson Insights & Analysis

Erickson Immigration Group will continue to monitor developments and share updates as more news is available. Please contact your employer or EIG attorney if you have questions about anything we’re reporting above or case-specific questions.