Panama Introduces Tougher Immigration Rules In Response to Irregular Migration

Panama’s immigration authorities have announced measures, effective September 8, 2023,  in response to an increase in irregular migration.

Among the new measures are the following:

  • The stay period for tourists may be decreased from 90 days to 15 days for some nationalities, based on security profiling carried out by the authorities on entry.
  • Arrivals must prove financial means of PAB 1000, up from PAB 500 previously.
  • Deportations and expulsions via charter flights will be increased.
  • The authorities will relocate established control and migrant assistance points in the communities of Bajo Chiquito and Canaán Membrillo, in order to mitigate the health and security impact on these communities of large influxes of irregular migrants.
Erickson Insights and Analysis

Erickson Immigration Group will continue to monitor developments and share updates as more news is available. Please contact your employer or EIG attorney if you have questions about anything we’re reporting above or case-specific questions.