Kuwait’s official gazette, Kuwait Alyoum, published the decree-into-law 116/2024, amending provisions of the Amiri Decree 15/1959 regarding the Kuwaiti citizenship.
Key Provisions of the Citizenship Law
- A foreigner who seeks the Kuwaiti citizenship is not eligible to file for the nationality for his wife. His minor children are considered Kuwaitis however and they are entitled to choose another nationality, such as their original one, in adulthood.
- A foreign woman who marries a Kuwaiti is not eligible to acquire the nationality.
- Citizenship can be rescinded from persons who had obtained it through fraud, counterfeiting, or false statements, as well as criminal convictions, or for matters of state security. Any individuals who acquired Kuwaiti citizenship for being relatives of someone whose citizenship is rescinded can lose it in such case, as well.
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