Denmark Proposal to Change Certain Immigration Rules

Denmark’s Ministry of Immigration and Integration has drafted a proposal to change the rules regarding permanent residence permits and family reunification of spouses. The proposal was sent to the relevant authorities and organisations for comments on January 18, 2024.

Key Information

  • The proposal contains a tightening of the requirements to obtain a permanent residence permit and family reunification of spouses.
  • The proposal tightens the requirement that applicants may not have been convicted of certain crimes.
  • The same applies to the transferred requirements for permanent residence permit, which applicants must meet, when applying for family reunification of spouses if the spouse in Denmark is a foreign national but not a refugee.

In accordance with the drafted proposal, the new rules will apply to applications for permanent residence permit and for family reunification of spouses submitted from the time the proposal is presented to the Danish parliament, unless a decision is made in such cases before the time of entry into force.

Erickson Insights

Erickson Immigration Group will continue to monitor developments and share updates as more news is available. Please contact your employer or EIG attorney if you have questions about anything we’re reporting above or case-specific questions.