The Danish government has passed a bill to strengthen international recruitment to Denmark from April 1, 2023.
Key Changes
- Fast Track Scheme | The minimum requirement for the number of full-time employees has decreased from 20 to 10, and the NEW Supplementary Pay Limit Track has a gross base salary of DKK 375.000 per year.
- NEW Supplementary Pay Limit Scheme | The minimum gross base salary is DKK 375,000 per year, gross unemployment does not exceed 3.75%, and the job has been posted on Jobnet and EURES for at least two weeks.
- This permit can be valid for five years, with the possibility of an extension, even if the gross unemployment exceeds 3.75%, and without being posted on Jobnet and EURES.
- If more than 15,000 people obtain a residence and work permit based on this agreement, the authorities will evaluate if the scheme should be dissolved.
- Positive List | Additional job titles will be added to the Positive List, and jobs on the Positive List will now remain on the list for at least two years.
- Start-up Scheme | Foreign innovative companies who wish to start a new branch in Denmark can now use the Start-up Scheme.
- Student – Job Seeking Permit | international students, who finish their degree (minimum bachelor’s degree level), will automatically obtain a Job seeking permit valid for three years with the right to work full-time.
- Establishment Card Scheme | The new Student Job seeking permit will replace this scheme.
Erickson Insights
Erickson Immigration Group will continue to share updates as more news is available. If you have questions about anything we’re reporting or case-specific questions, please contact your employer or EIG attorney.