On March 1, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will reinstate the 2008 version of the naturalization civics test. As part of President Biden’s EO on “Restoring Faith in Our Legal Immigration Systems,” the 2008 test makes the naturalization process more accessible to all applicants.
The 2008 exam developed over several years and with input from more than 150 organizations, educators, historians, and related experts.
In December 2020, USCUS introduced a revised test as part of a regular review and update process. USCIS has since determined that the 2020 test version “may inadvertently create potential barriers to the naturalization process.”
USCIS will give applicants the option to take either the 2008 or 2020 civics tests, until the 2020 civics test is phased out on April 19, 2021. Applicants who file after March 1 will take the 2008 reinstated test.